Relationship Manager

Relationship Manager lander

Working together to build a strong foundation

Your Relationship Manager is the focal point of your experience, providing a level of personal service that can only be described as concierge.


Flexibility is key to a personalized solution

Every client has a unique set of needs. To meet them, your Relationship Manager will bring together specialists from the TD Wealth team who represent the full spectrum of our resources and expertise. Together, we do our due diligence in terms of research and analysis before recommending an integrated wealth management plan for you. And, at your request, we can consult with your lawyers, accountants, tax advisors and other professionals who work on your behalf.

Our integrated and dynamic approach wealth management

We take a team approach to building and preserving your wealth - with you and your Relationship Manager squarely in the middle.


As a TD Wealth client, you are at the center of all we do. We take the time to get to know you personally, understand your needs and goals, before advising you on how best to build and maintain your wealth.

Relationship Manager

The Relationship Manager is your single point of contact. He or she will take care of you in every way possible, making sure you enjoy the full range of benefits available to you as a TD Wealth client.

Investment Advisor

The Investment Advisor provides you with the attention and personal advice you need to build a strong portfolio that reflects your specific financial goals and aspirations.

Trust and Estate Advisor

The Trust and Estate Advisor guides you through the complexities of administering a trust and settling an estate, making sure your wealth is preserved and distributed as to your wishes.

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Our commitment to you

Before we develop and implement a strategy for you, we listen and learn, then recommend and discuss ideas with you. Because life isn't static, we conduct regular investment and life reviews to evaluate your investing and wealth management strategies.