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Fraud and Identity Theft

Fraud and identity theft occur when your personal information (anything from your Social Security or bank account numbers to your name and address) is stolen and the thief is able to use your information to commit fraud or theft, potentially damaging your credit record and good name in the process.

The most common examples of theft include credit card fraud, phone or utility fraud, bank fraud, employment-related fraud, government document or benefit fraud and loan fraud.

In the U.S. the total annual fraud cost was $20.6 billion in 2012.*

Fraud and identity theft are not strictly online crimes. Some of the most successful thieves employ low-tech methods such as stealing your mail, checking your garbage for receipts and statements or grabbing your purse or wallet.

Find out how you can help protect yourself or your business:

*2013 Identity Fraud Survey Report, Javelin Strategy & Research.