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Identity Theft Protection Quiz

Identity theft is a serious crime. Once criminals have obtained your personal information, they can try to take over your identity and do anything from opening a credit card or taking out an auto loan, to filing for bankruptcy, all in your name. Identity thieves can get your personal information from a variety of sources, including e-mail fraud, stealing your wallet, stealing your mail, digging through your trash or hacking internet accounts.

How can you protect yourself?

While you can't entirely control whether you will become a victim, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk. One way is to take the following quiz* to help you recognize where you might be vulnerable to identity theft.

Take Part 1: General Risks
Take Part 2: Online Risks

*The information and recommendations contained in the Identity Theft Quiz are intended as general guidelines to educate you about the need to protect your personal information. They do not constitute a guarantee or legally-binding financial advice.